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Turning Our House into an Airbnb: Tips for Getting Through Busy Life Periods for People with Chronic Illnesses | Episode 7

When you’re going through a busy period in your life, often the first thing to go out of the window is your self-care and time for yourself. You think “I’ll rest once I’m out the other side of this big work project/house move/wedding planning/insert other life event here”. However, this is definitely not the way to go about things – whether you’ve got a chronic illness or not.

I’ve been going through a really stressful few months where we’ve been renovating and clearing our house out with the aim of turning it into an Airbnb. Now that we are out the other side, I wanted to create a podcast episode for you all about how I’ve handled this and managed to stay sane and well throughout the process. One of the biggest things that helped me was prioritising myself over everything else – after all, if I wasn’t firing on all cylinders, then I wouldn’t have been able to work on all the things that needed doing, anyway!

I’m sharing more about how I prioritised myself and all the other things I did during the last few months in today’s episode!

In this episode, I’m chatting about:

  • An update: all the things that have been going on for me over the last few months

  • The main things I did that helped get me through this stressful time

  • Lots of info on changes I’ve made with regards to nutrition

  • Why you’ll never be “done” with recovery (and that’s not a bad thing!)

Skip ahead to what you need…

[01:23] The Airbnb project

[05:52] Quitting my job

[07:35] What helped us get through this stressful period?

[08:43] Breaking things into chunks

[12:12] Asking for and accepting help

[15:06] Communication

[17:11] Putting my needs first – including movement and nutrition

[31:10] Getting help with my business

[33:14] Energising myself through socialising

[35:02] Regulating myself

[42:27] Taking a break (before it was forced on me!)

Mentioned in today’s episode:

Connect with Jenny, Chronic Illness Coach:

DISCLAIMER: Everything mentioned in this podcast is only my/my guests’ opinion and should not be a substitute for seeing a medical professional. Please seek advice from your doctor and confirm with them that they are happy for you to implement something you heard on the podcast.



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