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Why Undiagnosed ADHD Leads to Burnout and Chronic Illness | Episode 8

Recently, I noticed a link between the vast majority of people who come to me for 1:1 coaching – they have either diagnosed or undiagnosed ADHD. When I thought more about my own experience of having known I have ADHD for many years now and only just received an official diagnosis, I realised that there are so many people going through life with unmanaged ADHD that then leads to a chronic illness. I’ve done lots of research into this, and I’ll be sharing more about that in today’s episode!

A lot of people often think that ADHD is just the “naughty boy” stereotype, which is totally not the case. More and more adults, particularly women, are discovering that a lot of things they have struggled with during their lives have been down to ADHD. Once you realise this, there’s so much you can do to try to manage your symptoms and make life a bit easier. In this episode I’ll be deep diving into how the effect of ADHD on your life can trigger a chronic illness and how I personally have managed to handle my symptoms better, as well as why I find it incredibly valuable to track your menstrual cycle, as this can have a huge impact on how you feel at different times of the month!

I hope this episode gives you some food for thought about whether ADHD might be something you struggle with and how you can move forward with symptom management, especially if you have a chronic illness.

In this episode, we’re chatting about:

  • What ADHD is and how I manage symptoms

  • The link between ADHD and chronic illnesses and how they can be triggered by unmanaged ADHD

  • What ADHD can look like, especially for people with chronic illnesses

  • How your menstrual cycle can influence your ADHD

Skip ahead to what you need…

[01:32] Something I’ve noticed about my clients

[02:39] What is ADHD?

[07:11] Recapping my story & my take on epigenetics

[16:07] The link between ADHD and chronic illnesses

[27:40] How I handle having ADHD

[38:54] Menstrual cycles & ADHD

[43:14] What you can do to help with ADHD symptoms

Mentioned in today’s episode:

Connect with Jenny, Chronic Illness Coach:

DISCLAIMER: Everything mentioned in this podcast is only my/my guests’ opinion and should not be a substitute for seeing a medical professional. Please seek advice from your doctor and confirm with them that they are happy for you to implement something you heard on the podcast.



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